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Did you know?

A person spends a third of his life sleeping.

Most of us lack good and, most importantly, quality sleep. A good night’s sleep is as essential as eating healthy food or exercising. High-quality sleep has many benefits, including physical and mental health.

Did you know?

A person spends a third of his life sleeping.

Most of us lack good and, most importantly, quality sleep. A good night’s sleep is as essential as eating healthy food or exercising. High-quality sleep has many benefits, including physical and mental health.

Poor-quality sleep can cause unpleasant sensations

Statistics say about 35 percent of middle-aged people feel restless in the morning, and elderly people suffer from sleep disorders even more often. Poor quality sleep causes various health problems – feeling tired, sleepy during work, digestive disorders, headaches, etc.

Poor-quality sleep can cause unpleasant sensations

Statistics say about 35 percent of middle-aged people feel restless in the morning, and elderly people suffer from sleep disorders even more often. Poor quality sleep causes various health problems – feeling tired, sleepy during work, digestive disorders, headaches, etc.

Felt in the morning due to poor quality sleep at night

It affects the quality of sleep for you and your partner

The muscles of the neck are affected incorrectly

Occurs by feeling the tension in the body during sleep

Sleeping in the wrong position for a long time

Felt in the morning due to poor quality sleep at night

It affects the quality of sleep for you and your partner

The muscles of the neck are affected incorrectly

Occurs by feeling the tension in the body during sleep

Sleeping in the wrong position for a long time

Why a good night's sleep is so important?

We all know that quality sleep ensures our well-being, mood, and productivity, but often we push it aside due to the hectic pace of life. What are the benefits to our body when receiving good and quality sleep with the COMFO deep sleep pillow?

Why a good night's sleep is so important?

We all know that quality sleep ensures our well-being, mood, and productivity, but often we push it aside due to the hectic pace of life. What are the benefits to our body when receiving good and quality sleep with the COMFO deep sleep pillow?

Normal brain function and heart activity

Quality sleep ensures good well-being, and normal functioning of the heart, brain, and other organs. When the brain begins to feel a lack of sleep, memory, and orientation may be affected, and the risk of heart disease increases. The COMFO pillow creates support for the body, so it is much easier to fall asleep, and you can rest much better. You’ll feel the difference after just a few nights!

Immune system and weight management

Quality sleep not only helps you feel better but also reduces the risk of getting various diseases and helps maintain body weight. The COMFO sleeping pillow can help you fall asleep easier and sleep deeply for longer hours, which can make a big difference in your routine.

Greater physical capacity

Thanks to quality sleep, our body heals and recovers faster after physical work, we are more coordinated and more energetic. Sleeping with a COMFO pillow will give you an increased energy level. The pillow adapts to the shape of the head, neck, shoulders, and body weight, so your body will get quality rest. This pillow can also help reduce back and neck pain.

Smaller chance of depression

Poor quality sleep can reduce social skills, and motivation, affect emotions, and harm communication. Thanks to its unique pillow structure, COMFO adapts to body weight and temperature, allowing better relaxation of tense muscles and deeper sleep. When you sleep well, your mood improves, and the likelihood of depression or unpleasant feelings decreases.

Normal brain function and heart activity

Quality sleep ensures good well-being, and normal functioning of the heart, brain, and other organs. When the brain begins to feel a lack of sleep, memory, and orientation may be affected, and the risk of heart disease increases. The COMFO pillow creates support for the body, so it is much easier to fall asleep, and you can rest much better. You’ll feel the difference after just a few nights!

Immune system and weight management

Quality sleep not only helps you feel better but also reduces the risk of getting various diseases and helps maintain body weight. The COMFO sleeping pillow can help you fall asleep easier and sleep deeply for longer hours, which can make a big difference in your routine.

Greater physical capacity

Thanks to quality sleep, our body heals and recovers faster after physical work, we are more coordinated and more energetic. Sleeping with a COMFO pillow will give you an increased energy level. The pillow adapts to the shape of the head, neck, shoulders, and body weight, so your body will get quality rest. This pillow can also help reduce back and neck pain.

Smaller chance of depression

Poor quality sleep can reduce social skills, and motivation, affect emotions, and harm communication. Thanks to its unique pillow structure, COMFO adapts to body weight and temperature, allowing better relaxation of tense muscles and deeper sleep. When you sleep well, your mood improves, and the likelihood of depression or unpleasant feelings decreases.

A gentle area for the face

Reduces pressure on the face, and provides proper support for the neck and head when sleeping on the side.

Neck and spine support

Helps maintain the natural curvature of the neck and spine during sleep.

Solid shoulder support

Adapts to the shape of the shoulders and helps to relax the neck muscles while sleeping.

Deep sleep pillow COMFO

A pillow with a unique structure, made of viscoelastic material, suitable for various sleeping positions – on the side, back, or stomach. COMFO pillow will allow you to feel a deep and quality sleep, and feel fresh as soon as you wake up. The pillow adapts to the shape, weight, and temperature of the body, which will reduce pain and improve sleep.


39.99 EUR

Why choose COMFO?

Suitable for back and side sleepers

Reducing snoring

5 times more durable than a regular pillow

100- Night trial guarantee!

A gentle area for the face

Reduces pressure on the face, and provides proper support for the neck and head when sleeping on the side.

Neck and spine support

Helps maintain the natural curvature of the neck and spine during sleep.

Solid shoulder support

Adapts to the shape of the shoulders and helps to relax the neck muscles while sleeping.

Deep sleep pillow COMFO

A pillow with a unique structure, made of viscoelastic material, suitable for various sleeping positions – on the side, back, or stomach. COMFO pillow will allow you to feel a deep and quality sleep, and feel fresh as soon as you wake up. The pillow adapts to the shape, weight, and temperature of the body, which will reduce pain and improve sleep.


39.99 EUR

The COMFO pillow is not only useful for sleep quality

For facial skin firmness

The COMFO pillow has a special shape, which therefore adapts to the shape of the body, relaxing tense neck and face muscles during sleep. The pillow cover is made of a soft cotton material that is friendly even to sensitive skin.

Helps reduce snoring

The frequency and intensity of snoring are particularly influenced by the pillow we sleep on. Studies have shown that 7 out of 10 people found that the COMFO sleep pillow helped reduce snoring. The pillow adapts to the shape of the head and helps to open the airways. That way you can breathe easy all night, and your partner will thank you for it.

Increases productivity and mood

After a bad night’s sleep, we feel sluggish and less focused. Sleep also has a strong effect on our mood. The COMFO pillow will help you sleep peacefully throughout the night, so when you wake up you will feel much more rested, and you will be able to move mountains during the day!

Advantages of viscoelastic material:

Returns to its original form

The viscoelastic material resists pressure and is extremely flexible, so it returns to its original shape when the weight is removed and remains high-quality for a long time.

Ensures the correct position of the head and neck

The deformed viscoelastic pillow adapts to the curves of the sleeper's head, neck, and shoulders, ensuring comfort and correct position during sleep.

Adapts to body shape and weight

Due to its unique structure, this material softens in response to the temperature (heat) and weight of the human body, so it perfectly adapts to the body where the greatest weight is felt. The pressure on the head and neck is distributed evenly, resulting in better relaxation of tense muscles and deeper sleep.

Regulates the temperature

An open, well-ventilated, and moisture-wicking structure that regulates and maintains a cool body temperature during sleep.

Advantages of viscoelastic material:

Returns to its original form

The viscoelastic material resists pressure and is extremely flexible, so it returns to its original shape when the weight is removed and remains high-quality for a long time.

Ensures the correct position of the head and neck

The deformed viscoelastic pillow adapts to the curves of the sleeper's head, neck, and shoulders, ensuring comfort and correct position during sleep.

Adapts to body shape and weight

Due to its unique structure, this material softens in response to the temperature (heat) and weight of the human body, so it perfectly adapts to the body where the greatest weight is felt. The pressure on the head and neck is distributed evenly, resulting in better relaxation of tense muscles and deeper sleep.

Regulates the temperature

An open, well-ventilated, and moisture-wicking structure that regulates and maintains a cool body temperature during sleep.

What makes the COMFO deep sleep pillow so special ?

Soft cotton cover

A soft cotton pillowcase is suitable even for people with sensitive skin. The pillowcase is filled with anti-bacterial protection that prevents the growth of germs and dust mites, helping to maintain a safe and healthy sleeping environment.

Breathable material

The material of the pillow is breathable, so air can circulate freely inside the pillow without absorbing unpleasant odors. The pillow reacts to body temperature, so it prevents freezing in winter and heat in summer.

Easy to maintain

The cover is easily removable with a zipper and is machine washable. To maintain a hygienic sleeping environment, it is recommended to wash the cover once a week. Due to its high-quality material, the cover will remain soft and will not change its color, even after many washes.

What makes the COMFO deep sleep pillow so special ?

Soft cotton cover

A soft cotton pillowcase is suitable even for people with sensitive skin. The pillowcase is filled with anti-bacterial protection that prevents the growth of germs and dust mites, helping to maintain a safe and healthy sleeping environment.

Breathable material

The material of the pillow is breathable, so air can circulate freely inside the pillow without absorbing unpleasant odors. The pillow reacts to body temperature, so it prevents freezing in winter and heat in summer.

Easy to maintain

The cover is easily removable with a zipper and is machine washable. To maintain a hygienic sleeping environment, it is recommended to wash the cover once a week. Due to its high-quality material, the cover will remain soft and will not change its color, even after many washes.

92% of customers who tried the COMFO pillow never went back to their old pillow

92% of customers who tried the COMFO pillow never went back to their old pillow

Feedback on social networks:

What makes the COMFO pillow better than ordinary pillows?

Most people still sleep on a regular down pillow, which quickly flattens out, does not provide adequate support for the body, and is not breathable. The COMFO sleeping pillow is designed to meet all your sleep needs! We have compared these pillows below.

COMFO sleeping pillow

Correct support

Ensures comfort and the correct position of the head and neck.

Breathable material

Maintains a cool body temperature.

Adapts to the body

Adapts to the body where the greatest weight is felt.

A normal sleeping pillow

There is no support

Irregular position of the body, neck, and head during sleep.


Non-breathable material that absorbs unpleasant odors.

Body pressure

Does not adapt to body shapes, and causes pressure while sleeping.

COMFO sleeping pillow

Correct support

Ensures comfort and the correct position of the head and neck.

Breathable material

Maintains a cool body temperature.

Adapts to the body

Adapts to the body where the greatest weight is felt.

A normal sleeping pillow

There is no support

Irregular position of the body, neck, and head during sleep.


Non-breathable material that absorbs unpleasant odors.

Body pressure

Does not adapt to body shapes, and causes pressure while sleeping.

COMFO sleeping pillow

Correct support

Ensures comfort and the correct position of the head and neck.

Breathable material

Maintains a cool body temperature.

Adapts to the body

Adapts to the body where the greatest weight is felt.

A normal sleeping pillow

There is no support

Irregular position of the body, neck, and head during sleep.


Non-breathable material that absorbs unpleasant odors.

Body pressure

Does not adapt to body shapes, and causes pressure while sleeping.


Within 1-3 business days


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+1 617 430 5242 info@comfopillows.com

100- Night trial guarantee!

Love it or send it back!

Deep sleep pillow COMFO

39.99 EUR

 5-year warranty
 100-night trial guarantee
 Certified by CertiPUR-US
 Four original covers


Deep sleep pillow set for two



69.98 EUR

79.98 EUR 

 5-year warranty
 100-night trial guarantee
 Certified by CertiPUR-US
 Four original covers


Deep sleep pillow set for the family

99.96 EUR

159.96 EUR 

 5-year warranty
 100-night trial guarantee
 Certified by CertiPUR-US
 Four original covers


Deep sleep pillow COMFO

39.99 EUR

5-year warranty
100-night trial guarantee
Certified by CertiPUR-US
One original covers


Deep sleep pillow set for two


34,99€ / pillow

 69.98€/ TOTAL

5-year warranty
100-night trial guarantee
Certified by CertiPUR-US
Two original covers
Free shipping


Deep sleep pillow set for the family

24,99€ / pillow

99.96€ / TOTAL

5-year warranty
100-night trial guarantee
Certified by CertiPUR-US
Four original covers
Free shipping


Deep sleep pillow set for two


34,99€ / Pillow

 69.98€/ TOTAL

5-year warranty
100-night trial guarantee
Certified by CertiPUR-US
Two original covers
Free shipping


Deep sleep pillow set for the family

24,99€ / Pillow

99.96€ / TOTAL

5-year warranty
100-night trial guarantee
Certified by CertiPUR-US
Four original covers
Free shipping


Deep sleep pillow COMFO

39.99 EUR

5-year warranty
100-night trial guarantee
Certified by CertiPUR-US
One original covers



Night trial guarantee!

Thanks to this pillow, I understood what really good and quality sleep means. After starting to sleep with this pillow, I feel much more productive, able to work longer hours, better mood during the day. I recommend it, it has greatly improved my quality of life 


Night trial guarantee!

We trust the quality of our COMFO pillow and understand that it usually takes time to get used to a new pillow. That’s why we offer a 100-night pillow test guarantee.


Night trial guarantee!

We trust the quality of our COMFO pillow and understand that it usually takes time to get used to a new pillow. That’s why we offer a 100-night pillow test guarantee.

Good sleep makes a person happy

We are happy that our customers take care of their sleep and choose the COMFO sleeping pillow.

Ever since I started using the Comfo sleeping pillow, I’ve experienced a remarkable decrease in snoring and sleep disruptions. Not only does my wife complain less about my snoring, but I also feel significantly more energized and revitalized myself.


Benjamin Clark

I’ve tried numerous pillows in the past, but the Comfo sleeping pillow is by far the best I’ve ever used. I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my sleep, waking up feeling energy and ready to tackle the day. I highly recommend this pillow to anyone seeking a restful and comfortable night’s sleep.


Natalie Moore

he Comfo sleeping pillow is worth every penny. From the moment I lay my head on it, I can feel softness and support it offers. It’s like sleeping on a cloud! I’ve never slept better in my life. If you’re in search of the ultimate sleeping pillow, I only recommend Comfo. One word – perfect! 


Victoria Bennett

Ever since I started using the Comfo sleeping pillow, I’ve experienced a remarkable decrease in snoring and sleep disruptions. Not only does my wife complain less about my snoring, but I also feel significantly more energized and revitalized myself.


Benjamin Clark

I’ve tried numerous pillows in the past, but the Comfo sleeping pillow is by far the best I’ve ever used. I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my sleep, waking up feeling energy and ready to tackle the day. I highly recommend this pillow to anyone seeking a restful and comfortable night’s sleep.


Natalie Moore

The Comfo sleeping pillow is worth every penny. From the moment I lay my head on it, I can feel softness and support it offers. It’s like sleeping on a cloud! I’ve never slept better in my life. If you’re in search of the ultimate sleeping pillow, I only recommend Comfo. One word – perfect! 


Victoria Bennett

Ever since I started using the Comfo sleeping pillow, I’ve experienced a remarkable decrease in snoring and sleep disruptions. Not only does my wife complain less about my snoring, but I also feel significantly more energized and revitalized myself.


Benjamin Clark

I’ve tried numerous pillows in the past, but the Comfo sleeping pillow is by far the best I’ve ever used. I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my sleep, waking up feeling energy and ready to tackle the day. I highly recommend this pillow to anyone seeking a restful and comfortable night’s sleep.


Natalie Moore

The Comfo sleeping pillow is worth every penny. From the moment I lay my head on it, I can feel softness and support it offers. It’s like sleeping on a cloud! I’ve never slept better in my life. If you’re in search of the ultimate sleeping pillow, I only recommend Comfo. One word – perfect! 


Victoria Bennett


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Gilaus miego pagalvių rinkinys dviems 2vnt., Gilaus miego pagalvių rinkinys šeimai 4vnt., Gilaus miego pagalvė COMFO 1vnt.


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